Università degli Studi di Roma 'La Sapienza'
Practical sense: a study of action and mind
Tito Magri was born in Rome in 1948. Although raised as a philosopher in the turmoil of the Italian post-1968 academy, he was sheltered from the worst effects of that time and place by an enlightened, skeptical Marxist teacher, Lucio Colletti. Beginning his career as a political philosopher and an historian of ideas, he studied for some years the foundations of modern political philosophy in the thought of Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau.
This experience brought him into contact with analytic philosophy, which has been since the early eighties the only form of philosophical activity he can really take an interest in. He has worked on the foundations of contractarianism, on practical rationality, on the philosophy of emotions and (with exclusively analytic concerns) on the philosophy of David Hume.
He is currently completing a book-length work on the conceptual and normative content of action, and eyeing a monograph on Hume's theory of imagination. He is married and has two daughters.King's College
Diabolical politics: images and ideas of the devil in early Christian Rome
Lunn-Rockliffe graduated from the University of Oxford in 1998 with a degree in History. She moved to Cambridge University for her postgraduate studies and from there received an MPhil in Political Thought and Intellectual History, and a PhD in History. She was a Research Fellow and a Teaching Fellow at Peterhouse, Cambridge, between 2002 and 2006, and she is now a University Lecturer in Roman History in the Classics Department of King's College, London. Her general areas of interest are political thought, the history of ideas, religious history, and the history and theory of the reception of images. Her doctoral work was on the political theology of the late Roman Christian writer Ambrosiaster; through this she developed an interest in early Christian ideas and images of the Devil in Rome, which is the subject of her research at the Italian Academy. This project will begin by investigating the supposed absence of artistic representations of the Devil from early Christian Rome. The second part, on presence, will deal with Christian images depicting the Devil in bestial form, and visual narratives of exorcism and healing which implied an invisible diabolical presence. The third part, on memory, will deal with Christian memories of and attitudes towards the physical remains of pagan Rome.
Università degli Studi di Firenze
Palazzeschi and the domain of the comic genre in early twentieth-century avant-garde European literature
Simone Magherini was born in Florence on 7th September 1964. He graduated with Gino Tellini in 1990, examined on a thesis about «Frammenti lirici» by Clemente Rebora. On February 1991, he was awarded "Premio Palazzeschi", published by the Faculty of Humanities of Florence for Theses, deserving the highest praise, dedicated to the «study of our literature and our language». Since 1992 he carries out his research work at the Department of Italianistica of the University of Florence.
On February 2004 he won the competitive examination for researchers in Italian Literature at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Florence.
He devotes himself particularly to archives research, to the study of literary letters and the poetry of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, and to the informatics applications in the Humanities field.
He edited the first volume of the Moretti-Palazzeschi Letters, 1904-1925 (Roma, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 1999, pp. 540); and, with Gloria Manghetti, a biography of Palazzeschi in images: Scherzi di gioventù e d'altre età. Album Palazzeschi 1885-1974 (Firenze, Pagliai Polistampa, 2001, pp. 302); and the catalogue of the Biblioteca di Aldo Palazzeschi (Roma, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2004, pp. 532). On the occasion of congresses and study days, he dedicated several documentary exhibitions and an audiovisual collection of interviews recovered from the Archive of Rai Teche (Aldo Palazzeschi si legge. .e si racconta) to the Florentine writer.
On the Informatics side he projected and took part in the realization of the Digital Archive of Fondo Palazzeschi; of the Bibliografia leopardiana informatizzata in Italia e all'estero (1815-1999), edited by Enrico Ghidetti; and of AD900 (Digital Archive of Italian Literary Twentieth Century), a modern and useful digital built-in archive for on-line access to the cataloguing cards and to the facsimile reproduction of the papers of Italian poets and writers (letters, manuscripts, bibliographic records, iconographic and audiovisual material), coming from several archival sources (Palazzeschi's Archive of Florence, Twentieth Century Liguria's Archive of Genoa, Gozzano-Pavese's Archive of Turin), on which linguistic research is possible.
He is member of the editorial staff of the «Studi italiani» review (edited by Riccardo Bruscagli, Giuseppe Nicoletti, Gino Tellini); member of the board of directors of the "Aldo Palazzeschi" Study Center; member of the Scientific Council of the "Primo Conti" Foundation and of the teaching staff Council of the Doctoral International School in Italianistica; he is President of the "Vittorio e Piero Alinari" Foundation.Luiss Guido Carli
Cultural identity and human rights
Sebastiano Maffettone is Full Professor in Political Philosophy at Luiss University, Rome; Director of the Centro di Studi e Ricerche sui Diritti Umani (CERSDU), Rome; President of "Humanity," a group that works on human rights and public policy; (first) President of the SIFP (Società italiana di filosofia politica); Director of the journal "Filosofia e questioni pubbliche"; and Member of the Ethical Committee of Capitalia. Outside of Italy, he has been a Visiting Professor at the School of Law, New York University; at Tufts University (Boston); at the Maison Sciences de l'Homme, Paris; at Boston College (Boston); and at Harvard University. He has also been a Senior Fellow in the Program in Ethics and Professions, Harvard University.
His areas of interest are political philosophy (in particular: theories of justice, international political philosophy, liberalism, human rights), ethics (normative ethics and applied ethics), bioethics, business ethics, philosophy of international relations, environmental ethics, metaphysics and epistemology, history of philosophy (in particular: Greek philosophy, Kant, Hegel), and analytic and continental philosophy.
Professor Maffettone is the author of almost 300 hundred scientific papers and 12 books in the area of moral, political and social philosophy. Among the volumes are Valori comuni (il Saggiatore), Ermeneutica e scelta collettiva (Guida), Le ragioni degli altri (il Saggiatore), I fondamenti del liberalismo (Laterza, with Ronald Dworkin), Il valore della vita (Mondadori), Etica pubblica (il Saggiatore), and La pensabilità del mondo (il Saggiatore 2006).2006-2007: Spring
Rossella Biscotti uses the documentary aesthetic to explore the relationship between historical, real and fictional time through video and installation. Her videos have been exhibited in galleries and museums throughout Italy and Europe including TENT (Rotterdam), American Academy in Rome (Rome), Galeria Paolo Boselli (Brussels), GAM Castel San Pietro Terme (Bologna), Viafarini (Milan), Smart Project Space (Amsterdam), Prodajna Galerija (Belgrade), Trevi Flash Art Museum (Trevi), Fondazione Olivetti (Rome).
2006-2007: Fall
Paolo Chiasera was born in 1978, in Bologna, Italy. He studied at the School of Fine Arts in Bologna and at Kunsthochschule Weissensee in Berlin from 1997 to 2002. He currently lives and works in Florence.
Chiasera has had group shows in several major venues including: S.M.A.K. Stedelijk Museum voor Actuele Kunst, Ghent (Belgium), MARTa, Herford (Germany), Museo Nacional Reina Sofia, Madrid, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin, and GAM Galleria Civica D'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Turin. His works were also included in the first Moscow Biennal and in the first T1-Torino Triennale Tremusei. He has been affiliated with the Massimo Minini gallery in Brescia since 2003.2006-2007: Spring
Nico Vascellari was born in Vittorio Veneto in 1976. He left the university to focus on his singing for With Love, a punk/noise band with which he has produced several albums and toured throughout Europe, USA and Japan. The intensity of performance is one of the starting points of Vascellari's artistic research. His work includes the use of media such as sculpture, photography, video and installation. His performances were recently defined as “storms of feedback between the performer, the audience and the space”. (Andrea Lissoni on “Tema Celeste”). Vascellari was awarded the First International Prize for Performance for his project “Nico & The Vascellari” by a committee headed by Marina Abramovic, who invited him to join her group, IPG.
Università degli Studi di Torino
Documentality: the ontology of social objects
Maurizio Ferraris (Turin, 1956) is professor of philosophy at the University of Turin, where he heads the Center for Theoretical and Applied Ontology and the Laboratory of Ontology.
Awarded many literary and research prizes (fellow of the Italian Academy at the Columbia University, "Claretta" Prize, Valitutti Prize, Castiglioncello Philosophical Prize), he is the author of 30 books and more than 1,000 scientific articles.
A more extensive version of his curriculum, with a complete bibliography, descriptions and reviews of his works can be found at labont.it/ferraris.Università degli Studi di Bari
Books in Byzantium: in search of libraries
Losacco (Bari, 1974) is lecturer in Classical Philology at the University of Bari. She graduated in 1996 in Classical Philology; in 1998 she obtained the Diploma of Greek Palaeographer at the "Scuola Vaticana di Paleografia"; in 2000 she passed the final exam for her Ph.D. in Classical Philology at the University of Bari. In 2003 she joined the European project «Rinascimento virtuale» for the cataloguing of Greek palimpsests in European libraries. Her scientific activity has regarded the history of transmission of classical and Byzantine Greek texts, from the Middle Ages up to modern times, and their manuscript tradition. She concentrated her work mostly on the huge corpus of the Byzantine patriarch Photius. Among her publications are the volume Antonio Catiforo e Giovanni Veludo interpreti di Fozio (Edizioni Dedalo, Bari, 2003) and articles on topics related to the history of transmission of Byzantine texts in international journals, such as the Revue d'histoire des textes, Thesaurismata, Quaderni di Storia. At present she is working on a comprehensive study of the Greek manuscript collection preserved in the Archiginnasio Library in Bologna, and doing extensive research about manuscripts (from the 11th to the 15th centuries) containing excerpts of Photius' so-called Library. At the Italian Academy she will be focusing her research on the history of books, libraries, and culture in the Byzantine age, starting from a significant case-study such the Byzantine tradition of Photius' Library.
Wesleyan University
Images of power in Renaissance Italy from Federico da Montefeltro to Clement VII
Simonetta, currently an Assistant Professor of Italian at Wesleyan University, took a first degree in history of ideas at the University of Rome La Sapienza (1993) and a Ph.D. in Italian literature at Yale University (2001). His thesis, on the figure of the humanist secretary in the Renaissance, was published as "Rinascimento segreto. Il mondo del Segretario da Petrarca a Machiavelli" by Franco Angeli (2004). Co-editor of Pope Pius II's "Memoirs" in the I Tatti Renaissance Library (Harvard University Press), he is the author of numerous articles on various aspects of the "Machiavelli Age" and most notably of "Federico da Montefeltro contro Firenze. Retroscena inediti della congiura dei Pazzi," in the Archivio storico italiano (2003), featuring his discovery of a deciphered letter which led to widespread media coverage (La Repubblica, The Independent, El Pais, The New York Times) and to a documentary aired by the History Channel. He has just completed a book on the Pazzi Conspiracy and its intricate background, entitled "Montefeltro. A Coded Conspiracy, the Medici, and the Sistine Chapel." He is now curating an exhibition on Duke of Urbino Federico da Montefeltro's Library at the Pierpont Morgan Library, in New York City, slated to open in Spring 2007.
Università degli Studi di Siena
Mocking works of art: wit and blame in art criticism from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century
Maddalena Spagnolo graduated in Art History (La fortuna critica di Andrea del Sarto, 1995) and got the Diploma di Specializzazione in Art History at the Università di Pisa (La matita rossa: storia e analisi di un medium grafico e delle sue implicazioni tecniche e stilistiche, 1998). She was awarded a fellowship for one year of Perfezionamento at the Warburg Institute, London (1999). She received the PhD in Art History from the Università di Pisa (Geografia e storia della fortuna di Correggio, 2003). She is currently assegnista di ricerca and Professore a contratto of Art History criticism at the Università di Siena. In the 2004 she was awarded a fellowship from the Accademia dei Lincei- British Academy and in the 2005 she has been a Frances A. Yates Short-Term Research Fellow at the Warburg Institute. Her research deals with the history of reception of works of art, particularly in the XVIth and XVIIth century. In this respect, she has investigated both published and unpublished sources of art history and has studied the relationship between art its audience. She has published in "Ricerche di storia dell'arte", "Arte Lombarda", "APOLLO". She is coauthor of the book The Basilica of Saint Peter's in the Vatican (Modena, 2000) and has coedited Percorsi vasariani fra le arti e le lettere (Siena, 2004). She is author of Correggio. Geografia e storia della fortuna (1528-1657) (Milano, 2005) and Bernini. Il Baldacchino (Modena 2006). She is currently writing a book on art history sources of the XVIth century (Le fonti per la storia dell'arte. Il Cinquecento, Roma, Carocci). At the Italian Academy she will work on the rise of wit and irony in early modern art criticism and will investigate ephemeral texts - sonnets, pamphlets, brochures - written in immediate response to works of art displayed in public spaces.
Università degli Studi di Catania
Alexander Bodini Research Fellow in Developmental and Adolescent Psychiatry
The influence of risperidone on emotional stimuli processing in a sample of individuals with autism: a functional MRI study
2006-2007: Fall & Spring
Luigi Mazzone received his Italian degree in Medical School in 1998 at the University of Catania, Italy. He completed his residency in Children's Psychiatry and Neurology at the University of Catania in 2003 and discussed a thesis on "Behavioural and temperamental characteristics of children and adolescents suffering from primary headache." In 2001, he worked as a visiting student at the division of child neurology and psychiatry at "Stella Maris" in Pisa, Italy, where he focused his attention on the psychopharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders in childhood. In 2005-2006 he worked as visiting fellow at the Development and Affective Neuroscience Section of the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), Bethesda, MD. During this period he worked on the relationship between high levels of Glucocorticoid and psychiatric disorders by using functional magnetic resonance. Currently, he is a PhD student in Clinical Paediatrics at the University of Catania. The main focus of Dr. Luigi Mazzone's research is the use of neuroimaging to identify the mechanisms underlying the neurobiological function of psychiatric disorders in childhood such as Anxiety Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Autism. During his fellowship at Columbia University, Dr. Luigi Mazzone will use functional MRI to study the alteration in the reward system in patients with ADHD and Anxiety Disorder compared to healthy controls. He was founder and is currently President of the Organization "Progetto AITA," an association of voluntary service that promotes care of Children and Adolescents with Neurological and Psychiatric disease in Italy. He has been member of the Italian Fencing National Team and winner of the Italian National Championship of Fencing in 2002.
Mario Negri Institute for Pharmaceutical Research
Molecular mechanisms for the perpetuation of memory storage
I received a Laurea in Scienze Biologiche from the Università degli Studi di Milano in 2001, where I was trained in Molecular Biology. I received a Specialisation in Biotechnology from the same university in 2004 and a PhD in Pharmacology from the Open University, London, in 2006. From 2001 to 2006 I have been working on molecular and cellular aspects of Familial Prion Disease which affect humans, like Creutzfeld Jacob Disease and Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker Syndrome, in an attempt to clarify the crucial steps for the appearance of these fatal pathologies, and possibly identifying a cure. My interest in prion molecules made me contact Prof. Eric Kandel, who recently hypothesized that a prion mechanism might be responsible for the persistence of long-term memory (Si et al, 2003). A protein called cytoplasmic polyadenylation element-binding protein (CPEB), a regulator of local protein synthesis, exists in a particular form in the nervous system of Aplysia and stabilizes newly formed synaptic connections. The first 150 amino-acids of CPEB constitute a domain that is very similar to that of prions. Like prions, CPEB can exist in two conformationally distinct isoforms but only one is metabolically active--the dominant form, characterized by an aggregate state. During my stay at the Italian Academy I will test the idea that these aggregates bind to dormant mRNA (ribonucleic acid messenger) resident at the synapse and modify them in order to be translated and give rise to proteins that stabilize synaptic growth. I also plan to examine if the prion domain of CPEB leads to a self-perpetuating level of local translation in neurons and if this novel mechanism leads to the stabilization of learning-related synaptic growth and the persistence of long-term memory and I will try to identify molecules that interact with CPEB and explore how this interaction leads to the activation of dormant mRNA or the conformational changes of CPEB at the neuronal synapse.
European University Institute
Jews under Italian occupation: the case of Greece
Lidia Santarelli received her Ph. D. (2005) from the Department of History and Civilization at the European University Institute, Florence, with a dissertation on the Italian occupation of Greece during the Second World War. As Hannah Seeger Davis post-doctoral fellow in the Program in Hellenic Studies at Princeton University (2005-2006), she expanded and revised her thesis for publication as a book-length study; in particular, she completed research on the process of forced Italianization of the Ionian Islands in the years 1941-1943. While at Columbia, she will complete the final stages of this book project entitled "End of the Empire. Fascist War and Occupation of Greece 1940-43."
As a research fellow at the Italian Academy for the academic year 2006-2007, she is carrying out new research for a project entitled "Diplomacy of Aid, Living Space, and the Holocaust: Fascist Italy and the Jews in the Axis-occupied Europe. The Case of Salonika." Based on a vast array of unpublished historical documents, this research explores the controversial policy through which Fascist Italy addressed Jewish communities residing within the territories occupied by the Axis Powers, focusing on both Rhodes and Salonika, the city that housed one of the largest Jewish communities in all of interwar Europe.
Prior to arriving in the United States, she served as Adjunct Lecturer in Modern European History at the University of Rome La Sapienza and History of South-Eastern Europe at the University of L'Aquila, where she taught several courses on social and political conflicts in Axis-occupied Europe, Italian Fascism, nations and nationalism in the Balkans, cultures of war, human rights, and globalization. From 1999 to 2002, she was a member of the Research Project on "The Impact of the Nazi and Fascist Rule in Europe, 1938-1950," sponsored by the European Science Foundation. Her research interests include war and society, civil war and ethnic conflicts, Fascist culture and ideology, war crimes, international politics, and systems of occupation, as well as memory and oblivion of traumatic past in transitional periods. She has published widely on the topics related to her research work.Ohio State University
The household and the bishop in late antique Rome: space, social practice and the establishment of episcopal authority (ca. 350-700 CE)
Sessa studies the cultural history of the late antique and early medieval Mediterranean world from ca. 300-700 CE. She is especially interested in the relationship between early Christianity and social practice, and how new figures of authority, like the Christian bishop, were integrated into pre-existing Roman structures and institutions. She has published on late Roman hagiography and is guest editing a forthcoming special volume of the Journal of Early Christian Studies on Christianity and domestic space in late antiquity. At the Italian Academy, she will be working on her current book project, a study of the relationship between Roman papal authority and the aristocratic household in the city of Rome. She holds degrees from Princeton University (A.B. in Religion, 1992) and from the University of California at Berkeley (M.A. in Medieval History, 1996; Ph.D. in Ancient and Medieval History, 2003). From 2003-2006 she was an assistant professor of Ancient Mediterranean History at Claremont McKenna College and will be joining the faculty in the Department of History at The Ohio State University in the fall of 2007.
Maryland Institute College of Art
Mediterranean modernity: art and nationalism in Italy and Greece, 1918-1945
Jennie Hirsh received her Ph.D. in 2003 from the Department of History of Art at Bryn Mawr College, where she wrote a dissertation on pictorial and literary self-representation in the oeuvre of the Italian artist Giorgio de Chirico. She also holds an MA in Italian from Middlebury College (1998), an MA in Italian Renaissance Art from Bryn Mawr (1997), and a BA in Classical Studies from the University of Pennsylvania (1993).
While at the Italian Academy, she will continue to work on her project on "Mediterranean Modernity: Art and Nationalism in Italy and Greece, 1918-1945," which compares six artists working under authoritarian regimes during and after the interwar period. In particular, this project examines how classical, Etruscan, and Byzantine strategies function with the rhetoric of pictorial modernism in these two countries. She will also be completing work on a monograph on Giorgio de Chirico, a project that grows out of her doctoral dissertation. Her research and teaching interests include the classical tradition, fascist architecture, postwar Italian cinema, visual culture and the Holocaust, relationships between word and image, and self-portraiture. Her publications include essays on Giorgio de Chirico, Jean-Luc Godard and Roberto Rossellini, Gianni Amelio, and contemporary photographer Pipo Nguyen-Duy.
Prior to arriving at the Italian Academy, she was Hannah Seeger Davis postdoctoral fellow (2005-2006) in the Program in Hellenic Studies at Princeton University, where she began work on her project on "Mediterranean Modernity." From 2003 until 2005, she was Visiting Assistant Professor of Modern and Contemporary Art and Architecture at Oberlin College. Prior to that appointment, she taught courses on modern and contemporary art, the history of Western Art, Italian Renaissance art and architecture, postwar Italian cinema, and Italian language at the University of Pennsylvania, Bryn Mawr College, Moore College of Art & Design, and Temple University between 1997 and 2003. Hirsh will be joining the faculty in the Department of Art History at the Maryland Institute College of Art in January 2007.Università degli Studi di Messina
Adjunct Associate Research Scientist
Mirror neuron system and art perception
Domenica Crupi received her Italian degree in medical school in 2002 from the University of Messina (110/110 cum laude) and she discussed a thesis on "Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: a Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Study". At the present she is in the last year of her residency in Neurology at the University of Messina. From the beginning of her residency she worked at the department of Neuropathology and, in particular, she took multiple sclerosis in-patients' and out-patients' clinical care at the Regional Center for Management of Multiple Sclerosis. From June 2005 to November 2006 she worked at department of Neurophysiology in Messina as electromyographist. In summer 2006 she attended a course in clinical neurosciences and neuroanatomy at Virginia Commonwealth University.
The main research experience of Dr Crupi is on transcranial magnetic stimulation, a non-invasive technique used to study the function of the human central motor system in health and disease. She has been working in the Prof. Quartarone's laboratory since March 2002 focusing her activity on movement disorder pathophysiology (dystonia in particular).
At the Italian Academy she will investigate the changes in cortico-spinal excitability and within intracortical circuits induced by observation of a work of art, during its mental representation and by observation of the real action itself, using transcranial magnetic stimulation. The experiments will be performed in Professor Battaglia's laboratory at City College of New York.
She was founder and is currently President and Health Director of the local section of "AVIS", the association of voluntary blood donors which operates in collaboration with the Transfusional Center in the city of Reggio Calabria. She is also member of "GADCO", an association for the promotion of umbilical cord donation.Università degli Studi di Catania
Beta-amyloid-induced memory loss: beneficial effect of drugs acting on the nitric oxide cascade
Puzzo is a neuroscientist who has contributed to the characterization of the mechanisms of learning in both normal conditions and during neurodegenerative diseases. Dr. Puzzo received her M.D. from the University of Catania (Italy) where she graduated in 1999 (110/110 with honours). In 2002 she obtained her Ph.D. in Applied Biomedical Sciences at the University of Catania. She has also obtained a Degree in Acupuncture and she is attending a Gestalt Therapy School. She has focused her scientific interest on learning and memory, with particular attention to hippocampal synaptic plasticity. She started performing research at the Nathan Kline Institute (NYU School of Medicine, New York) in 2002 with Prof. O. Arancio. She determined that a signaling pathway initiated by nitric oxide is inactivated by beta-amyloid during synaptic plasticity and learning. Thanks to her experience in electrophysiology, immunocytochemistry and behaviour, she has started an independent research line in Italy in collaboration with Prof. S. Sapienza and Prof. A. Palmeri at the University of Catania. Her results have been communicated at several national and international meetings, with great enthusiasm from the neuroscience community, and published in international scientific journals. The fruitful collaboration with Prof. Arancio is continuing, so Dr. Puzzo has returned to work with him at Columbia University.
Dr. Puzzo combines her scientific skills with a great artistic talent. Graduated in music in 1993, she has performed piano concerts in Italy and abroad. Together with a percussionist of Arabic instruments, Giorgio Rizzo, she performs an original fusion of traditional Middle Eastern music with classical music. Her main artistic project consists in a composition of a lyric opera. As a fellow of the Italian Academy, she will focus on the beneficial effect of drugs acting on the nitric oxide cascade to counteract memory loss in Alzheimer's Disease and other neurodegenerative disorders characterized by cognitive impairment.Bar-Ilan University
'Prima e seconda prattica' of settecento music theory
Bella Brover-Lubovsky received her B.A. and M.A. in musicology in Russia, and her Ph.D. at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (2001). Her principal research interests include eighteenth-century harmonic theories; the epistemological and cultural roots of tonality; early and mid-eighteenth century instrumental music; and Russian music. She has been published articles in various scholarly journals and presented papers at international conferences and symposiums. Her book "Estro armonico" on Vivaldi's tonality is soon to be published by the Indiana University Press.
Brover-Lubovsky has been a recipient of the Vigevani Postdoctoral prize for a study in Italy (2003), and a Newberry Library fellowship for individual research (2005). She spent a 2003-04 as a postdoctoral fellow and a visiting assistant professor at the School of Music, University of Illinois. She has been a Research fellow and lecturer at the Musicology Department, Hebrew University from 2001-2006; a lecturer at the Jerusalem Rubin Academy of Music and Dance since 1995, and an Assistant Professor at the Music Department, Bar-Ilan University, since 2005.
While at Columbia, she will further her current research towards a study of theoretical and philological sources into the concepts of organization of tonal space and systematization of pitch phenomena in Italian music of the "long eighteenth century," viewed against the intellectual and artistic background of the time.Università degli Studi di Trieste
Charge transport in molecular devices
Alberto Morgante received his degree and PhD in Physics from the University of Trieste where he is associate Professor of Physics at the Physics Department since 1999. He teaches Electromagnetism, optics and relativity to Physics students. He is head of the CNR-INFM research project of the National Laboratory TASC-INFM in Trieste called Nano3, dedicated mainly to studies of organic molecules in gas-phase and thin films and of fullerene and nanotube based materials. He is the scientific coordinator of the ALOISA beamline of the Italian Synchrotron light source Elettra.
He is also the coordinator of various MIUR (Ministry of Instruction, University and Research), INFM (National Institute for the Physics of Matter) and international projects.
He has been a fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and for many years cooperated with the Fritz-Haber-Institut of the Max-Planck-Society in Berlin.
His research work is concerned mainly with the experimental study of solid surfaces and thin films by using electron, X-ray and neutral atom scattering: thermodynamics of surface structures due to reconstructions and adsorbates, studying in particular critical phenomena in 2-D phase transitions; thin film growth and inverse growth (removal); reordering kinetics of surfaces and thin films; gas-surface reactions, thin film structure and phase transitions, organic thin films and interfaces.