Simone Magherini

Università degli Studi di Firenze

Palazzeschi and the domain of the comic genre in early twentieth-century avant-garde European literature


Simone Magherini was born in Florence on 7th September 1964. He graduated with Gino Tellini in 1990, examined on a thesis about «Frammenti lirici» by Clemente Rebora. On February 1991, he was awarded "Premio Palazzeschi", published by the Faculty of Humanities of Florence for Theses, deserving the highest praise, dedicated to the «study of our literature and our language». Since 1992 he carries out his research work at the Department of Italianistica of the University of Florence.
On February 2004 he won the competitive examination for researchers in Italian Literature at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Florence.
He devotes himself particularly to archives research, to the study of literary letters and the poetry of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, and to the informatics applications in the Humanities field.
He edited the first volume of the Moretti-Palazzeschi Letters, 1904-1925 (Roma, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 1999, pp. 540); and, with Gloria Manghetti, a biography of Palazzeschi in images: Scherzi di gioventù e d'altre età. Album Palazzeschi 1885-1974 (Firenze, Pagliai Polistampa, 2001, pp. 302); and the catalogue of the Biblioteca di Aldo Palazzeschi (Roma, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2004, pp. 532). On the occasion of congresses and study days, he dedicated several documentary exhibitions and an audiovisual collection of interviews recovered from the Archive of Rai Teche (Aldo Palazzeschi si legge. .e si racconta) to the Florentine writer.
On the Informatics side he projected and took part in the realization of the Digital Archive of Fondo Palazzeschi; of the Bibliografia leopardiana informatizzata in Italia e all'estero (1815-1999), edited by Enrico Ghidetti; and of AD900 (Digital Archive of Italian Literary Twentieth Century), a modern and useful digital built-in archive for on-line access to the cataloguing cards and to the facsimile reproduction of the papers of Italian poets and writers (letters, manuscripts, bibliographic records, iconographic and audiovisual material), coming from several archival sources (Palazzeschi's Archive of Florence, Twentieth Century Liguria's Archive of Genoa, Gozzano-Pavese's Archive of Turin), on which linguistic research is possible.
He is member of the editorial staff of the «Studi italiani» review (edited by Riccardo Bruscagli, Giuseppe Nicoletti, Gino Tellini); member of the board of directors of the "Aldo Palazzeschi" Study Center; member of the Scientific Council of the "Primo Conti" Foundation and of the teaching staff Council of the Doctoral International School in Italianistica; he is President of the "Vittorio e Piero Alinari" Foundation.