Sven Sachsalber's autobiographic work mostly takes the shape of photos or videos, in which the performative and the sculptural play a key element. Often funny, often serious and sometimes both, his works have a universal poetic element that does not need much explanation
Sven Sachsalber (born 1987 in Silandro) studied sculpture at the Royal College of Art from 2010 to 2012. Since 2009 he has lived in London. Sachsalber is Co-Founder of Winterprojects in London together with Mathis Gasser. His work was recently shown at Galerie Rianne Groen, Rotterdam; Dienstgebäude, Zürich and Limoncello Gallery, London. In 2014, Sachsalber will present a solo exhibition at the Museion Project Room, Bolzano.
Universität zu Köln
A spectacle of spirits: the American performances of Eusapia Palladino
2013-2014: Fall
Simone Natale completed his Ph.D. at the University of Torino in 2011. His work focuses on issues of media, religion, visual studies, and material culture. He has taught and researched in several university and research centers in Germany, Italy, and Canada, and has been the recipient of fellowships awarded by the Humboldt Foundation, the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service), and the National Museum of Cinema of Turin. His writings have been published in several peer-reviewed journals, including Media History, History of Photography, Early Popular Visual Culture, Celebrity Studies, the Canadian Journal of Communication, and the European Journal of American Culture. He is currently working on a book manuscript titled The Spectacular Supernatural: Spiritualism and the Rise of Modern Show Business, which draws on his Ph.D. dissertation. Applying frameworks and theories from the field of material religion to film and media studies, this book will explore how beliefs in the supernatural interacted with entertainment practices and with the rise of modern show business, from the origins of the spiritualist movement in the middle nineteenth century to the early development of cinema.
The Graduate Center - City University of New York
Flashbacks and eclipses in Italian art in the 1960s
2013-2014: Spring
Romy Golan is professor of 20th century art at the Graduate Center and Lehman College of the City University of New York. She is the author of Modernity and Nostalgia: Art and Politics in France between the Wars and Muralnomad: the Paradox of Wall Painting, Europe 1927-1957 --both published Yale University Press in 1995 and 2009. Her recent publications include "Flashbacks/Eclipses in Italian Art of the 1960s" Grey Room 49 (Fall 2012) and she is currently completing a book with that title.
Emory University
The rise of Italian Fascism (1919-1922): a quantitative narrative analysis
2013-2014: Fall
Roberto Franzosi (BA in Literature, University of Genoa; PhD in Sociology, Johns Hopkins University) is professor of Sociology and Linguistics at Emory University. His main substantive interest has been in social protest, with projects on Italian strikes (see The Puzzle of Strikes, Cambridge University Press, 1994) and two current projects on the rise of Italian fascism (1919-22) and on lynchings in Georgia (1875-1930) that have led to the publication of several journal articles. Franzosi has had a long-standing methodological interest in issues of language and measurement of meaning in texts (narrative texts, in particular), with several journal articles published and three books From Words to Number (Cambridge University Press, 2005), Content Analysis (Sage, 2008), and Quantitative Narrative Analysis (Sage, 2010). He is currently working on the completion of the book Trilogy of Rhetoric on the rhetorical roots of three social science approaches to text: content analysis, frame analysis, and quantitative narrative analysis (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming).
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
Jewish and Christian approaches to Seneca in Late Antiquity
2013-2014: Spring
Università di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale
Landscape in Rome during the second half of the sixteenth century: from drawing to painting
2013-2014: Spring
Patrizia Tosini graduated in 1991 from the University of Rome "La Sapienza," where she attended a post-graduate program in Medieval and Modern Art History in 1991-1993. She obtained her Ph.D. in Art History in 1998.
In 1994-1995 she was awarded research grants by the University of Padua, and by the British Academy and the Accademia dei Lincei, to study at Warwick University, at the Courtauld Institute, and the Witt Library in London.
During the 1990s she worked as an archivist at the Archivio di Stato di Roma and as a museum curator in Modena (Soprintendenza per i Beni Artistici e Storici di Modena e Reggio Emilia).
Since 2001 she has taught Renaissance and Baroque Art History at the University of Viterbo and the University of Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale. In 2005 she became Assistant Professor at the University of Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale. In Fall 2011 she was the Paul Mellon Visiting Senior Fellow at the CASVA.
Her research interests focus on the visual arts of the late Renaissance in central Italy, mainly on fresco decoration in Roman buildings and, more generally, on the artistic patronage of the Counter Reformation age. On these topics, she has published numerous articles in The Burlington Magazine and other international journals. She has written a monograph, Girolamo Muziano. Dalla Maniera alla Natura (1532-1592) (2008), coedited La cappella Contarelli in S. Luigi dei Francesi. Arte e committenza nella Roma di Caravaggio (2005), and edited the proceedings of the international conference Arte e committenza nel Lazio nell'età di Cesare Baronio (2009).
She was the coordinator of a two-year funded project (PRIN 2009) on "Venetian Cardinals: Art and Patronage between Rome and Venice (1523-1605)," and the coeditor (with Caterina Furlan) of the forthcoming volume based on this project (Cardinali della Serenissima: arte e committenza tra Roma e Venezia nel Cinquecento, Silvana editoriale, 2014).Ruhr Universität Bochum
Urbi et orbi 2.0? The Vatican as a transnational actor in a changing international system
2013-2014: Spring
Otto Kallscheuer has been a member of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton and a Fellow at the Käte Hamburger Kolleg "Dynamics in the History of Religion" at the University of Bochum (Germany); he has also held visiting professorships at various universities in Germany (Berlin, Giessen, Bonn), Switzerland (Lucerne, Basel) and Italy (Naples, Rome, Sassari). Publications include: "Giustizia e libertà in Marx" (1984); "Das Europa der Religionen" (1996); "Die Wissenschaft vom Lieben Gott" [The Science of the Good God] (2006, 2008); "Zur Zukunft des Abendlandes" [The Future of the Old West] (2009). He is a regular contributor to major German newspapers. His research at the Italian Academy will focus on the challenges of the globalized world-system for the policies and structure of the Roman Catholic Church.
Columbia University; New York University
Brain representations of mental states: the neuronal integration of emotion and cognition
2013-2014: Fall
Ecole Normale Supérieure
Cultural cognition in the "we-mode"
2013-2014: Fall
Mattia Gallotti is a postdoctoral fellow in the philosophy of mind and society. He was educated in economics and philosophy at Bocconi University and the London School of Economics, before receiving his PhD at the University of Exeter. As a trained philosopher, Gallotti's work to date has sought to connect and unify a number of research domains under the general heading of sociality, with a focus on interdisciplinary questions concerning the foundations of the social mind. Throughout the years, his work was supported by generous funding from several institutions like the Royal Institute of Philosophy, the Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD), the European Science Foundation (ESF) and the École Normale Supérieure(ENS), which afforded him the opportunity to carry out interdisciplinary research in premiere centres for the study of human sociality across the mind and brain sciences.
According to many philosophers and scientists, sociality is explained by the capacity of individuals to 'share' the mental states of others. In recent published papers in philosophy and cognitive science journals, including Trends in Cognitive Sciences, Behavioural and Brain Sciences and Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Gallotti offers a theory of shared intentionality which gives pride of place to one cognitive mechanism in particular, the so-called 'we-mode', for addressing issues of social cognition and agency. At the Italian Academy, he will articulate the we-mode approach to collective intentionality with an eye to its implications for the study of cultural cognition, notably the nature of cultural artifacts in social ontology.
University of Liverpool
Identity and migration in eighth- and ninth-century Rome
2013-2014: Spring
Marios Costambeys is Senior Lecturer in Medieval History at the University of Liverpool, UK. He studied for his PhD at the University of Cambridge, and held postdoctoral positions at the Universities of Oxford and Manchester. He has been a scholar at the British School at Rome and the Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo in Spoleto, and has recently held a fellowship with the UK's Arts and Humanities Research Council. He is the author of Power and Patronage in Early Medieval Italy (Cambridge, 2007), and the co-author of The Carolingian World (Cambridge, 2011). At the Academy, he will be concluding his project on migration and identity in eighth- and ninth-century Rome, looking at the impact on the life and image of the city of those who journeyed to and through there, from English pilgrims to Greek monks. This will in turn form one chapter of his general study of Rome in the Carolingian age.
Universiteit van Amsterdam
The people and the prince: popular politics in early modern Venice
2013-2014: Fall
Maartje van Gelder is Lecturer in Early Modern History at the University of Amsterdam. She studied history at the University of Amsterdam and Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia. In 2007 she was awarded her doctorate for a study of the commercial role and social position of Netherlandish immigrant merchants in early modern Venice, which was published by Brill as Trading Places in 2009. In 2011 she was Honorary Research Fellow at the School of History, Classics and Archaeology at Birkbeck, University of London. Currently she is working on popular politics and social unrest in early modern Venice. Her other research interests include the connections between the worlds of early modern commerce and politics, and the practice and theory of cross-confessional diplomacy in Europe and the Mediterranean. She has been awarded fellowships by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), the National Maritime Museum Amsterdam, the Marie Curie Programme "The Social History of Europe and the Mediterranean", The Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome and the Datini Institute at Prato.
Universität Hamburg
Memory and image archiving: the logic of visual memory in Aby Warburg
2013-2014: Spring
Isabella Woldt is an Assistant Professor at the Institute for the History of Art at Universität Hamburg. Her studies focus on the epistemology of visual elements, particularly in the works of Aby Warburg and Ernst Cassirer. She examines the psychological, anthropological, and philosophical foundations of Warburg's theory of visual memory, expressed and presented in his picture series. At the same time, she investigates connections between the humanities and the natural sciences, especially concerning the process of remembering, in light of recent findings on the function of image memory in empirical studies.
She is co-editor of the collected works of Aby Warburg and has collaboratively published his "Picture Series and Exhibitions" in 2012. She is editing the documentation of Warburg's journey to the U.S (1895-1896), his 1923 Kreuzlingen-Lecture, and his photographic and ethnographic collections. Another main research area is also Baroque art and architecture in Central and East-Central Europe, aristocratic estates, residential cities, and the unique culture of Sarmatism. She received the Aby Warburg Prize (Warburg-Stipend) from the Hamburg Senate in 2008, and a research fellowship at the German Forum for Art History in Paris in 2012. At the Academy she will intensify her research on Warburg and Cassirer and extend it to an investigation of logic in the process of visual creativity and memory.
University College Roosevelt - Middelburg
Oratorio, oratory, and the early modern Italian soundscape
Huub van der Linden is a cultural historian. He holds MA degrees in musicology from the University of Utrecht and in Early Modern Cultural and Intellectual History from the Warburg Institute in London (the latter with distinction). In September 2012 he received his PhD from the European University Institute in Florence for his dissertation on the circulation and performance of Italian oratorio around 1700. He is currently attached to University College Roosevelt in Middelburg (The Netherlands). Besides his work on Italian musical culture of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, Van der Linden also has an interest in the history of the book and of reading, as well as in the processes of creating, copying, transporting, and otherwise physically handling paintings in early modern Europe. He has published a number of articles dealing with various aspects of all of these topics. Most recently he has started to explore early modern European perceptions and accounts of the sonic world of Safavid Persia (1501-1736). At the Italian Academy he will work on a project that developed out of his doctoral dissertation, and which deals with the cultural politics of voice in Italy, specifically in relation to a series of oratorio performances in private palace in Bologna in the years around 1700. So far Van der Linden's work has been supported by received numerous study and research grants, among others an eight-month scholarship from the Collegio dei Fiamminghi in Bologna for work on his first MA thesis, fellowships from the Dutch Institute for Art History in Florence and the Royal Dutch Institute in Rome (Hugenholtz Stipend, awarded for an outstanding MA dissertation), a dissertation research fellowship from the Harry Ransom Center at the University of Texas Austin, an Ernst Mach Grant from the Austrian Agency for International Cooperation in Education & Research, and a fellowship from the Fondazione Ermitage Italia at Ferrara. Most recently he has worked in Germany thanks to fellowships from the Forschungsbibliothek in Gotha and the Staatliches Institut für Musikforschung in Berlin.
Institut Nicod (CNRS–ENS–EHESS)
Living through the eyes and the words of others: a social epistemology of reputation
2013-2014: Fall
2004-2005: Fall and Spring
Gloria Origgi's work focuses on issues of social epistemology, philosophy of social science and philosophy of new technologies. She is particularly interested in the relation between knowledge and society. Her latest books are on trust (VRIN 2008) and reputation (Seuil 2013) and she's writing a new book on the epistemology of reputation and the massive use of rankings in democratic societies. She has published more than 50 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters on trust, democracy and the Internet, trust and knowledge, the relation between truth and democracy and the role of ranking systems in the Internet-based knowledge society. She conceives social epistemology as a form of critical theory of the society of knowledge. She is also a writer (La Figlia della Gallina Nera, 2008) and a journalist and commentator for various Italian newspapers and magazines (Micromega, Il Sole 24 Ore, Il Fatto). She is member of the European Commission Board "Horizons 2020" whose aim is to design European research policies for the next 6 years.
2013-2014: Fall
Giorgio Andreotta Calò (b. 1979 in Venice, Italy) studied sculpture at the Accademia di Belle Arti, Venice (1999-2005) and at the KHB KunstHochSchule, Berlin (2003-2004). In 2005 he received a diploma with Honours in Fine Art with a thesis on Gordon Matta-Clark. In 2001-2003 and 2007 he worked as assistant to Ilya and Emilia Kabakov. Since 2008 he has lived and worked in Venice and Amsterdam where was a resident artist at the Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten in Amsterdam (2009-2011) . In 2011 his work was exhibited at the 54th Biennale of Venice curated by Bice Curiger. In 2012 he won the Premio Italia for contemporary art organized by the Museum MAXXI in Rome.
Université de Rouen
Pirro Ligorio (1512-1583) as a draftsman: imitation of antiquity and the representation of the body in Late Renaissance mythological drawings
2013-2014: Spring
Ginette Vagenheim is Professor of Latin Language and Literature and Humanistic Philology at the Université de Rouen in Haute-Normandie, Honorary member of the Institut universitaire de France, Life Member of Clare Hall in Cambridge and Fellow of Harvard University. After a Degree in Classical Philology at the Université Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve, she obtained a Master in Medieval and Renaissance Philology supervised by Giuseppe Billanovich at the Università del Sacro Cuore di Milano; she then obtained a doctorate in Ancient Art History and Archaeology at the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa supervised by Augusto Campana and Salvatore Settis.
During this time, she has been a Fellow in several institutions in Europe and in the USA: Harvard University --Villa I Tatti; The Getty Center for Humanities in Los Angeles; Clare Hall in Cambridge; The Warburg Institute; L'Ecole française de Rome; The Scaliger Institute in Leiden; and The Herzog-August Bibliothek in Wolfenbüttel. She has been a Visiting Professor at the Università di San Marino by invitation of Luciano Canfora (dottorato di ricerca in scienze storiche) and at the Università degli studi di Firenze by invitation of Roberto Cardini (dottorato internazionale in civiltà dell'umanesimo e del Rinascimento).
She has published more than sixty contributions in several academic journals in the fields of antiquarianism (especially on Pirro Ligorio) and the history of classical scholarship in the Renaissance, the history of epigraphy in the Renaissance and historiography in the 19th century. She is a member or a referee in several editorial boards: Les cahiers de la Renaissance (Paris), Aevum (Milano), and Corpus delle opere firmate del Medioevo Italiano (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa.
She participates in several European projects: the committee for the publication of the works of Pirro Ligorio; the committee for the manuscripta epigraphica et manus epigraphicae project of the Universitat autonòma de Barcelona; the international seminar "L'antiquaria e i suoi metodi" of the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa-Università degli studi di Firenze; the committee for the sixth centenary of Lorenzo Valla of the Università degli studi di Firenze; the committee for the bicentennial of the death of Gaetano Marini of the Bibiloteca Apostolica del Vaticano; the committee for the publication and study of humanistic texts of Paris-IV Sorbonne; and the committee for development of the epigraphical corpora of the Société française d'épigraphie romaine et de Rome.
McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research - University of Cambridge
Body ornaments in the Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic of Italy
2013-2014: Fall
Emanuela Cristiani's research is focused on the study of technological and functional aspects of material culture (stone knapped and ground stone and osseous tools, ornaments) in order to understand cultural traditions embedded in the way objects were produced and used in the past. Emanuela Cristiani's methodology integrates different analytical techniques such as: the study of manufacturing and use-wear traces, micro-residues, zooarchaeology, experimental archaeology, anthropological and ethnographic comparisons.
In her PhD research (University of Rome "La Sapienza"), Emanuela Cristiani has analysed postglacial adaptive strategies and Mesolithic-Neolithic transitional processes in the eastern Alpine region by examining techno-functional tactics related to the inhabitation of mountainous landscapes. Her results gave a new perspective on the nature of the Meso-Neolithic transition in the eastern Alpine region by emphasising the role of the Palaeolithic and Mesolithic traditions in the formation of early Neolithic identities.
In the course of her post-doctoral appointments (Wenner-Gren Foundation Post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Rome "La Sapienza" and Marie Curie IEF Post-doctoral fellowship at the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research - University of Cambridge), Emanuela Cristiani has been investigating Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene adaptations in two contrasting areas—the Eastern Adriatic coast and the central Balkans—by applying the same integrated methodological approach to the study of Palaeolithic and Mesolithic osseous tools, ground stones tools and ornaments. Through this research Emanuela Cristiani has been able to characterise foragers' osseous technologies and ornamental traditions in the Balkans.
Princeton University
A life of Lorenzo Da Ponte
2013-2014: Fall
Edmund White has published some 25 books, including novels, essays, travel books, biographies, plays and autobiographies. He is a professor of creative writing at Princeton University. He has been made an officer in the French order of Arts and Letters and is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters. He won the National Book Critics Circle Award for his biography of Jean Genet. He has also published short biographies of Marcel Proust and Rimbaud, for which he won the Premio Internazionale Mondello in Sicily. His novel Hotel de Dream is about an episode in the life of Stephen Crane; his novel Fanny is about Frances Trollope (mother of the author) and Frances Wright, the Scottish founder of an American utopia. He has taught at Yale, Johns Hopkins, Columbia and New York University, where he was director of the New York Institute for the Humanities. His best-known novel is A Boy's Own Story. He also won some attention for his autobiographies, My Lives and City Boy (nominated for the National Book Critics Circle Award). Next year Bloomsbury will publish Inside a Pearl: My Years in Paris. He frequently publishes in the New York Review of Books.
Università di Firenze
The censorship of Benvenuto Cellini's Trattati
2013-2014: Spring
After receiving a B.A. in Medieval and Renaissance Philology from the University of Florence in 2009, in 2013 Diletta Gamberini obtained an international Ph.D. in Italian Studies from the Universities of Florence, Bonn and Paris IV-Sorbonne. Her dissertation, which she is currently revising for publication, provided - under the supervision of professor Arnaldo Bruni - the first critical edition with commentary of the poems of Benvenuto Cellini. Her primary field of expertise is the Italian literature of the Renaissance, with a specialization in Florentine culture in the age of Duke Cosimo the First (1537-1574). She is especially interested in the literary production of early modern painters and scuptors and in the intersections between literature and figurative arts. Another focus of her investigations concerns the consequences on sixteenth-century Italian writers of the great Reformation crisis. She presented some of the results of her Ph.D. research on Benvenuto Cellini in a series of papers (one of them in the Accademia della Crusca's journal Studi di Filologia Italiana), and during international lessons or conferences, such as the Vasari/500 symposium held at Harvard University in 2011.
Bard Graduate Center
Bartolomeo Scappi's paper kitchen: food and knowledge in Renaissance Italy
2013-2014: Spring
Deborah L. Krohn teaches Italian Renaissance decorative arts and cultural history at the Bard Graduate Center: Decorative Arts, Design History, Material Culture, in New York City, where she is an associate professor. She holds a BA and MA from Princeton University, and a PhD from Harvard University, and has been the recipient of a Fulbright Fellowship to Italy, as well as a fellowship from the American Association of University Women, among others. She has collaborated on several exhibitions at the Bard Graduate Center, including Salvaging the Past: French Decorative Arts from the Metropolitan Museum of Art (2013, co-curator and co-editor of the catalogue), Dutch New York between East and West: The World of Margrieta van Varick (2009, co-curator and co-editor of the catalogue), and was also a contributor to the exhibition and catalogue of the 2008 Art and Love in Renaissance Italy at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Her current research explores the history and reception of the first illustrated cookbook in Europe, Bartolomeo Scappi's Opera (1570). She has published essays about Italian Renaissance art and patronage, the history of collecting, and culinary history.
Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris
Relativism in democracy: Catholic political thought and the role of truth in politics
2013-2014: Fall
Alexander Bodini Research Fellow in Culture and Religion
Columbia University
Understanding a novel anticipatory task-related brain imaging signal
2013-2014: Spring
Columbia University
Consequences of prenatal nicotine exposure on nicotine and cocaine addiction during adolescence
2013-2014: Fall and Spring
Alexander Bodini Research Fellow in Developmental and Adolescent Psychiatry
Bettina Drisaldi is an Associate Research Scientist in the Department of Neuroscience at Columbia University. She studied Biological Sciences at the University of Pavia, Italy, where she also obtained her PhD in Genetics. In 1998 she was awarded a Fullbright fellowship to study Neurobiology in the USA. After spending three years at Washington University in St. Louis, MO, where she worked in the laboratory of David A. Harris on the molecular characteristics of prion proteins, in 2001 she moved to University of Toronto, to work as a postdoctorsal fellow in the laboratory of David Westaway at the Centre for Research in Neurodenerative Diseases.
After accepting a position in the Laboratory of Eric Kandel she is now studying the consequences of prenatal nicotine exposure on nicotine and cocaine addiction during adolescence and adult life.
Moreover, since addiction is considered to arise from a maladaptive persistent associative memory of a highly pleasurable experience, she is also working on the analysis of the molecular putative role in cocaine addiction of a protein associated to the maintenance and consolidation of hippocampal long-term memories.
Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales
The aesthetic life of prestige status
2013-2014: Fall
Tufts University
Aural anamorphosis and sound clues: aesthetics of synchronization in film.
2013-2014: Fall
Alessandra Campana is associate professor of music at Tufts University. Her research focuses on opera and film sound. She has worked and published on Mozart, Verdi, Puccini, Bellini, Donizetti, focussing on issues of staging, theatricality, and performance. Her book, titled Opera and Modern Spectatorship in Late Nineteenth-Century Italy is forthcoming from Cambridge University Press. She is part of the editorial team of the new Opera Quarterly (OUP) and co-chair with Anne Shreffler and Sindhumathi Revuluri of the Opera Seminar at the Mahindra Humanities Centre at Harvard. At the Italian Academy she is working on her next book on sound and music synchronization in film.