Diletta Gamberini

Università di Firenze

The censorship of Benvenuto Cellini's Trattati

2013-2014: Spring

After receiving a B.A. in Medieval and Renaissance Philology from the University of Florence in 2009, in 2013 Diletta Gamberini obtained an international Ph.D. in Italian Studies from the Universities of Florence, Bonn and Paris IV-Sorbonne. Her dissertation, which she is currently revising for publication, provided - under the supervision of professor Arnaldo Bruni - the first critical edition with commentary of the poems of Benvenuto Cellini. Her primary field of expertise is the Italian literature of the Renaissance, with a specialization in Florentine culture in the age of Duke Cosimo the First (1537-1574). She is especially interested in the literary production of early modern painters and scuptors and in the intersections between literature and figurative arts. Another focus of her investigations concerns the consequences on sixteenth-century Italian writers of the great Reformation crisis. She presented some of the results of her Ph.D. research on Benvenuto Cellini in a series of papers (one of them in the Accademia della Crusca's journal Studi di Filologia Italiana), and during international lessons or conferences, such as the Vasari/500 symposium held at Harvard University in 2011.