Roberto Franzosi

Emory University

The rise of Italian Fascism (1919-1922): a quantitative narrative analysis

2013-2014: Fall

Roberto Franzosi (BA in Literature, University of Genoa; PhD in Sociology, Johns Hopkins University) is professor of Sociology and Linguistics at Emory University. His main substantive interest has been in social protest, with projects on Italian strikes (see The Puzzle of Strikes, Cambridge University Press, 1994) and two current projects on the rise of Italian fascism (1919-22) and on lynchings in Georgia (1875-1930) that have led to the publication of several journal articles. Franzosi has had a long-standing methodological interest in issues of language and measurement of meaning in texts (narrative texts, in particular), with several journal articles published and three books From Words to Number (Cambridge University Press, 2005), Content Analysis (Sage, 2008), and Quantitative Narrative Analysis (Sage, 2010). He is currently working on the completion of the book Trilogy of Rhetoric on the rhetorical roots of three social science approaches to text: content analysis, frame analysis, and quantitative narrative analysis (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming).