Marco Savoia
Università di Bologna
Techniques for structural damage identification on the basis of uncertain data
2011-2012: Spring
Co-sponsored by the Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
Marco Savoia has been Full Professor of Structural Engineering at DISTART, Faculty of Engineering of the University of Bologna (Italy) since 2000, where he teaches Structural Engineering, Advanced Design of Structures and Earthquake Engineering (in English). He is currently doing his scientific research at the same university. Previously he held the position of Assistant Professor at the University of Bologna (1992-1998) and Associate Professor at the University of Parma (1998-2000). He has been a Visiting Professor at Virginia Polytechnic Institute (1990, 1997), Texas A&M University (1993), the University of Virginia (1997), and Florida Atlantic University (2003, 2004). He gave a number of seminars and short courses in those universities.
From 2001 to 2010, Marco Savoia has been the Coordinator of the Structural Tests Laboratory of the DISTART Department of the University of Bologna. He is presently the Director of the Building & Construction Interdepartmental Center of Applied Research (CIRI) of the University of Bologna.
He is author of about 250 scientific papers, more than 60 in international journals with referees. He is presently the director of two research projects, one funded by the Reluis consortium (Civil Protection Department) on the seismic vulnerability of existing RC buildings, and one funded by the European Community on the fatigue behavior of steel railway bridges.
He is a Member of the CNR Commission for Codes and Guidelines (since 2009), and a Member of the Science Academy of Bologna (since 2007). From 2004 to 2007, he was an expert member of the National Council of Public Works.
Since 2007 he has been the Chairman of the Civil Engineering Higher Education program of the Faculty of Engineering. He promoted the International Master in Civil Engineering, as well as the Dual Degree program together with the Columbia University in New York. He is presently the Coordinator of a European Project Erasmus – Curriculum Development action named "SASICE – Safety and Sustainability in Civil Engineering," uniting 9 universities in Europe.
His main research topics are in the area of seismic engineering, innovative systems for seismic protection, computational modeling of reinforced concrete structures, reliability and stability of structures, composite structures, damage in concrete material and structures, advanced technologies for concrete, identification techniques, and health monitoring of structures.