Roberto Casati

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS); École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS; France)

Cognitive reconciliation of alien environments: a study of marine representations

2023–2024: Spring

Roberto Casati, Senior Researcher of CNRS, Professor at EHESS, and Director of the Jean Nicod Institute of ENS/EHESS in Paris (one of the leading research centers in cognitive science) works currently on navigation, the ocean, and the understanding of biodiversity. He is the author of 120 research papers and book chapters on perception, spatial representation and the use of maps and images, as well as of ten books, some of which have been translated in many languages. His seminal work on Digital Colonialism has spurred a large debate on the use of technology in schools. The Cognitive Life of Maps will be published in 2023 by MIT Press; he is the editor of the collection The Sailing Mind (Springer, 2022). His latest book is Oceano (Einaudi, 2022; French translation La philosophie de l’Océan, PUF 2022).