Marco Cambiaghi
Università di Torino
Perinatal stress effects on emotional circuits in juvenile depression
2018-2019: Spring
Alexander Bodini Research Fellow in Developmental and Adolescent Psychiatry
Marco Cambiaghi was born in Como in 1981. He is a neuroscience research fellow at the University of Turin, Italy, working on the storage of emotional memories. He got his degree in Biology at the University of Milan and a PhD in Neuroscience and Experimental Neurology at the San Raffaele University in Milan. He performed his research at the San Raffaele Scientific Institute of Milan and at the University of Turin, gaining experience in in-vivo electrophysiological techniques, rodent behavior and brain stimulation. He has worked as a visiting scientist at the City University of New York, Columbia University and the Weizmann Institute of Science.
In addition to his research, he has a strong interest in the history of science and in scientific dissemination; he collaborates with two Italian newspapers (La Stampa and La Provincia di Como, where he has published more than 200 articles since 2004) and he is one of the founders of the scientific Festival della Luce (Light Festival), held in Como since 2013.
During his stay at the Italian Academy, he will focus on the effects of perinatal stress on adolescent depression development in a murine preclinical model. In particular, he will investigate brain emotional circuits through behavioral and neurophysiological analysis.