Maddalena Spagnolo
Università di Siena
In the footsteps of Momus: irony and vituperio in early modern art criticism
After obtaining her degree (1995) from the University of Pisa, Maddalena Spagnolo attended a three year post graduate course of Specializzazione in Art History 1995-1998. She was awarded her Ph.D. in 2003 under the supervision of Professor Antonio Pinelli. Her thesis "Geografia e storia della fortuna del Correggio 1528-1657" was published as a book in 2005. From 2002-2006, Dr. Spagnolo taught Art Criticism at the University of Siena (Arezzo) and is currently teaching Art History Methods. She also supervised numerous degrees and MA theses. From 1999 onwards, she has been spending a substantial part of each academic year in London, working at the Warburg Institute, where she was awarded a Francis Yates Fellowship in 2005. Additionally, she has been awarded with: British Academy- Accademia dei Lincei in 2004; Villa I Tatti (Harvard University) in 2008; Italian Academy (Columbia University) 2006; Bibliotheca Hertziana (Max-Planck-Institut) in 2009; Kunsthistorishes Institut (MPI) in 2008, 2010 and 2011. Her research interests are in European Art and Criticism from late 15th to mid 17th century. However, she focuses on History of Reception of Early Modern Works of Art. Dr. Spagnolo is currently preparing a book on the practice of mocking works of art in early modern Italy and France. Furthermore, she has published on this topic in the Proceedings of International Conferences (2006 and 2008), in the Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 2011 (2010) and she has given a number of papers at various conferences, such as the RSA in Los Angeles (2009), the AAH at Glasgow (2010), the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florence (2008), the Warburg Institute (2005 and 2010), and has co-organized an International workshop, Bild-Witz, with Nicola Suthor and Gerhard Wolf, at the Kunsthistorisches Institut (2010).