Giulia Torromino

Sapienza Università di Roma

The brain circuits for memory: quality versus quantity

2017-2018: Fall

Giulia Torromino is currently a post-doctoral researcher at the Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine (TIGEM) in Naples. She recently obtained her Ph.D. in Behavioral Neuroscience at Sapienza Università di Roma. Her main research focus is the neurobiology of learning and memory in basal and pathological conditions, and in aging.
Her doctoral work focused on the mechanisms of memory consolidation, with the goal of understanding how different brain regions interact to stabilize a memory trace. In particular, she studied the role of the communication between two brain structures, the hippocampal formation and the ventral striatum, in the post-learning phase of spatial tasks in rodents. She worked as an intern and researcher at the Champalimaud Center for The Unknown in Lisbon, at the DANDRITE center of Aarhus University, at the Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory of Aix-Marseille University and at the Laboratory of Experimental Neurophysiology of Charles University in Pilsen. Her post-doctoral research focuses on the mechanisms of memory capacity and its aging-associated decline.
Since 2011 she has been working with Numero Cromatico, a research center focusing on the study of the relationship between art and science. In the same year, she co-founded the journal nodes, in which she published her own articles and for which she translated several papers from eminent scientists. 

Papers in peer-reviewed journal:
• Sannino S.*, Russo F.*, Torromino G., Pendolino V., Calabresi P., De Leonibus E. Role of the hippocampus in object memory load in mice. Learning and memory 2012, 19(5):211-8.
Papers on nodes journal
• Torromino G., Towards a new merger of scientific disciplines and humanities, Nodes 5/6, 2015.
• Gagliardi D.M. and Torromino G., On the concept of creativity: general creativity and multiple creativity. Nodes 1, 2013.
• Torromino G., Notes on the development of neuroscience. Nodes 0, 2012.
• Gagliardi D.M. and Torromino G., Notes on the concept of creativity between method and inspiration. Nodes magazine 0, 2012.

Translations for nodes journal:
• Ramachandran V. S. (2011), Neurologia dell’estetica visiva. Ninfe indiane, arte moderna, e becchi attraenti, Nodes 7/8, 2016 [Original Title: Neurology of Visual Aesthetics, Indian Nymphs, Modern Art, and Sexy Beaks; Published on: Aesthetic Science: Connecting Minds, Brains, and Experience by Arthur P. Shimamura e Stephen E. Palmer, Oxford University Press, 2011].
• Zaidel D. (2015), La neuroestetica non riguarda solo l’arte, Nodes 7/8, 2016 [Original Title: Neuroesthetics is not just about art, frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:1-2)].
• Changeux J. P. (2012), Bellezza nel cervello: per una neuroscienza dell'arte, Nodes 5/6, 2015 [Original Title: Beauty in the Brain: for a neuroscience of art, Rend. Fis. Acc. Lincei (2012), 23:315-320].
• Zeki S. (2001), La creatività artistica e il cervello, Nodes 2, 2014 [Original Title: Artistic creativity and the Brain, Science (2001), Vol. 293:51-52].