Gianmarco de Felice
Università degli Studi Roma Tre (Italy)
Seismic assessment of cultural heritage: safety and conservation
2019-2020: Spring
Weinberg Fellow in Architectural History and Preservation
Gianmarco de Felice is professor of structural engineering at the Department of Engineering of Roma Tre University, where he teaches the courses of Earthquake Engineering and Rehabilitation of Structures. He graduated in 1990 at the University La Sapienza in Rome and received his PhD in 1994 from the University of Florence. He was research associate at the École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, Paris in 1994-95, researcher at the Faculty of Architecture of Roma Tre University from 1996 to 2001, associate professor at the Faculty of Engineering, and then full professor since 2011.
He is head of the PhD School in Civil Engineering at Roma Tre University, chairman of the RILEM Technical Committee TC-250 CSM Composites for the Sustainable Strengthening of Masonry from 2013 and chairman of the ACI 549-0L Liaison Committee on Thin Reinforced Cementitious Products and Ferrocement from 2016. He is associate editor of Frontiers in Structural Materials and Advances in Civil Engineering, member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Architectural Heritage, member of the drafting committee of the Charter of Rome on the Resilience of Art Cities to Natural Catastrophes. He is also one of the founders and professor of the summer school on Historic Masonry Structures.
His current research activity encompasses the structural analysis of cultural heritage; the seismic assessment of historic structures, including soil-structure interaction; the retrofitting of monuments and architectural heritage; and the development of innovative strengthening systems through the use of composite materials. He has been invited to give general lectures to several Conferences such as: 8th SAHC, Wrozlaw 2012; 15th MASE , Struga 2013; MuRiCo4, Bologna 2014; Accademia dei Lincei, Rome 2015; 10th SAHC, Leuven 2016, BASA, Sofia 2016; Festival della Scienza, Genova 2017; MuRiCo5, Bologna 2017; 6th ISCCHS, Trabzon 2017; CIRea2018, Lisbon 2018; MuRiCo6, Bologna 2019.
In recent years he has been visiting professor at UC Miami in March 2017, at INSA Toulouse in October 2017, and at École Doctorale Paris Est in January-February 2019. He has been the scientific coordinator for the design of several engineering projects on heritage conservation and structural rehabilitation, such as the restoration of the Abbey of San Clemente in Casauria, supported by the World Monuments Fund and awarded by the 2016 Domus International Award for Restoration and Conservation, and the restoration of the Farnese Palace in Ischia di Castro, attributed to Antonio da Sangallo, and awarded by the Sisto Mastrodicasa 2017 Prize.
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