Ester Saletta

Università di Bergamo

The political contribution of Giuseppe Antonio Borgese and Gaetano Salvemini to Hermann Broch's democratic project

2010-2011: Fall

Ester Saletta graduated in English and German Literature at the University of Bergamo (Italy, 1995). She obtained her PhD in Austrian Literature at the University of Vienna (Austria, 2005). She won several Austrian scholarships (ÖAD in 1999; BMBW in 2005; Linzer StifterHaus in 2007) and she taught Italian at the Language International Center of the University of Vienna (2001-2004). She is now teaching German as foreign language in the Italian secondary school system. At present she collaborates with the Law Faculty of the University of Bergamo (Italy) in the Equal Opportunities field. She is an active member of the Viennese Friedrich Hebbel and Theodor Kramer Societies, of the International Centre "Hermann Broch" (IAB), of the International German Association (IVG) and of the Modern Austrian Literature and Culture Association (MALCA).