Anna Soci
Alma Mater Studiorum, Università di Bologna (Italy)
Socio-economic roots of the crisis of liberal democracy: the Italian case
2023–2024: Fall
Anna Soci is Alma Mater Professor in the Department of Economics at the University of Bologna, Italy, where she was Full Professor of Economics until 2019. She is currently a Life Member of Clare Hall, University of Cambridge.
She studied in Bologna and Princeton, and she held various scholarly positions in Italian and foreign universities: Research Fellow of the Italian Academy for Advanced Studies in America at Columbia University, Jemolo Fellow at the Nuffield College in Oxford, Senior Visiting Fellow and Associate at the Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge, Visiting Professor at the Universidad de Externado in Santa Fè de Bogotà, Colombia, and at the Free University of Bozen. She was a member of the Academy Advisory Board of the Network for European Studies, University of Helsinki; evaluator of proposals for Marie Curie Development Host Fellowships and Marie Curie Training Sites of the Human Potential Programme, on the behalf of the European Commission, Direction XII; referee for research-project evaluation on the behalf of the Italian Ministry for the University and Research.
She coordinated international research groups and organized research-meetings and conferences. In particular, she was the principal investigator of the European Union research project in local development named “TERA: territorial aspects of enterprise development in remote rural areas,” financed in the Sixth Framework Programme, Priority [8]: Scientific Support to Policies. She had several research collaborations with various Research Centres and Publishers, and she is a referee for national and international economic journals. Her research interests are currently in Economics and Politics, particularly in Economic Inequality, and formerly in Macroeconomic Theory, New Economic Geography and Foreign Direct Investment, International Economics, and Applied Economics. She has published widely in international and national peer-reviewed academic journals, in addition to being the author of several books and many working papers presented in international and national conferences and seminars.