Anna Elisabetta Galeotti

Università del Piemonte Orientale

Cultural and religious diversity: social standards and the principle of equal respect

2014-2015: Spring

Anna Elisabetta Galeotti is Professor of Political Philosophy at the University of Eastern Piedmont, Vercelli. She studied at the University of Pavia, and spent several years as Research Fellow at various Universities and Research Centers such as Cambride University, the European University Institute at Florence, the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton, the Center for Ethics, Philosophy and Public Affairs of St.Andrews and the Edmund Safra Foundation Center for Ethics at Harvard University. Among her works: Toleration as Recognition, Cambridge University Press 2002; “Relativism, Universalism, and Applied Ethics: The Case of Female Circumcision”, Constellations 2007; “Respect as Recognition” in The Plural States of Recognition ( 2010), “The place of conscientious objection in liberal democracy” in Diversity in Europe (2011), “Self-Deception: Intentional Plan or Mental Event?” Humana Mente, (2012), “Toleration and Purpose Built Mosques. Contestations in Contemporary Europe”, in How Group Matters (2014), “Liars or Self-Deceived? Reflections on Political Deception” Political Study (2014). 

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