
Past Event

Alberto Burri: A Symposium at the Italian Academy of Columbia University

October 21, 2015
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
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Concurrent with the Guggenheim Museum’s retrospective, Alberto Burri: The Trauma of Painting, on view October 9, 2015, through January 6, 2016, this symposium, co-organized by Ernest Ialongo and the show’s curator Emily Braun, will address the exhibition itself as well as Burri’s work in the context of postwar and contemporary art.

Ernest Ialongo (Hostos Community College, CUNY), as moderator;
Emily Braun (Hunter College and the Graduate Center, CUNY), who will discuss the Burri exhibit;
Howard Singerman (Hunter College, CUNY), who will explore Burri’s place within postwar European art;
Ruth Ben-Ghiat (NYU), who will analyze the POW experience of World War II and Burri’s specific experiences;
Noa Steimatsky, who will survey Neorealism in film and the connections to Burri; and
Robert Storr (Yale University), who will discuss Burri’s influence in contemporary art. 

New resources — learn more:

Video: Alberto Burri Retrospective at the Guggenheim

Educator's Guide


Glossary of Terms

New York Times Review

Co-sponsored by: Columbia University Seminar in Modern Italian Studies, the Columbia University Seminar Office, the Embassy of Italy, Washington DC, and Lavazza

Alberto Burri, Legno e bianco 1 (Wood and white 1), 1956, Wood veneer, combustion, acrylic, and Vinavil on canvas, 87.7. X 159 cm, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, 57.1463

Alberto Burri, Composizione (Composition), 1953, Burlap, thread, synthetic polymer paint, gold leaf, and PVA on black fabric, 86 x 100.4 cm, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, 53.1364

Artwork Credit: © Fondazione Palazzo Albizzini Collezione Burri, Città di Castello/2015 Artist Rights Society (ARS), New York/SIAE, Rome. 

Photo Credit: Kristopher McKay © Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation