Valeria Marcenò
Università di Torino (Italy)
Hate speech and hate crimes
2021-2022: Fall
Valeria Marcenò is Associate Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Turin (Italy), where she teaches Constitutional Law and Constitutional Justice.
From 2015 to 2017, she was the study assistant to the President of the Italian Constitutional Court, Professor Marta Cartabia. Currently, she is vice-president of the Bioethics Committee of the University of Turin and vice-director of teaching of the Department of Law of the University of Turin.
Among her works are La neutralizzazione del potere giudiziario (Jovene, 2009), La legge abrogata. Esistenza, validità, efficacia (Giappichelli, 2013) and Giustizia costituzionale (il Mulino, 2012 and 2018) with Professor G. Zagrebelsky.
Her research at the Italian Academy will be focused on hate speech and criminal regulation. The principle of free expression of thought, considered to be one of the cardinal principles of any democratic constitution, makes it difficult to identify the difference between free expression and the incitement of hate, what could be considered the small step between hate speech and hate crime.