Valeria Giardino
Institut Jean Nicod (ENS-CNRS-EHESS) - Paris
Vision to reason: visual routines for manipulating diagrams
2010-2011: Fall
Valeria Giardino obtained her Doctorate in 2006 at the University of Rome "La Sapienza." In her thesis, she discussed the use of figures and diagrams in mathematics. In 2007, she was an Associate Post-doctoral Fellow at the Institut Jean Nicod. From 2008 to 2010, her research at the Institut Nicod on Diagram-based Reasoning was supported by the European Community's Seventh Framework Program under a Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship for Career Development. Her current research aims at developing a theory about the way and the reasons that led humans to increase the powers of their mind by relying on external cognitive tools. She has published a book in Italian, together with Prof. Piazza, Senza Parole. Ragionare con le Immagini (Without Words. Reasoning with Images; Milano: Bompiani), and several articles in peer-reviewed journals.