Marina Calloni
Università di Milano – Bicocca (Italy)
What the people want: an analysis of the populist trend in Italy
2019-2020: Spring
Alexander Bodini Fellow in Transitions from Globalism to Nationalism and Populism
Marina Calloni has since 2002 been a full professor in social and political philosophy at the Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Milano-Bicocca in Milan. She is deputy president of the Italian Society of Political Philosophy (SIFP) and delegate of the Rector for International Cooperation. She is director of the departmental research center "PRAGSIA" concerning issues of public concerns and of the center ADV - Against Domestic Violence with the related master on "Violence against women and children”. In 2020 she will be the Alexander Bodini Fellow in Transitions from Globalism to Nationalism and Populism at The Italian Academy for Advanced Studies in America, Columbia University, New York.
She has a Ph.D. in Philosophy (University of Pavia) and a Ph.D. in Social and Political Science (European University Institute in Florence). She was a research fellow at the University of Frankfurt under J. Habermas and a senior researcher and director of the International Network on Research on Gender at the London School of Economics. She was a visiting professor at the Universities of Bremen, Vienna, Lugano, Kurume. She earned a Fulbright Distinguished Chair at the University of Notre Dame (USA). She has lectured and given presentations in many cities and countries. She was a component of the Inter-ministerial Committee for Human Rights at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Rome and a member of the management board of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights.
She is a member of various national and international boards of journals and has participated/is participating in several national and international research projects and cross-border networks, collaborating with universities, research centers, NGOs and supranational institutions. In particular, she has collaborated with many international institutions including the European Commission, UNESCO, UNDP, and UNHCR. She is now working with the Council of Europe for a project she directs on the application of the Istanbul Convention.
Areas of Interest include: social and political philosophy; democracy, citizenship and representation; conflicts and humanitarianism; human rights and fundamental freedoms; critical theory of society; gender issues; critique of violence; international research networks and cross-border co-operation.
Recent publications include: Women, Minorities, Populism in: A. Vajpeyi, V. Kaul (eds.), Minorities and Populism. Comparative Perspectives from India and Europe, London: Springer, 2019; Southern Europe: Gender Studies and Institutions in the Euro-Mediterranean Region in B. Kortendiek, B. Riegraf, K. Sabisch (eds.), Handbuch Interdisziplinäre Geschlechterforschung, Wiesbaden: Springer, 2019, vol. 2, pp. 1547-1558; Intersectionality and Women’s Human Rights: From Social Criticism to the Creation of Capabilities in: E. H. Oleksy, A. M. Różalska and M. M. Wojtaszek (eds.), The Personal of the Political: Transgenerational Dialogues in Contemporary European Feminisms, Newcastel-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015, pp. 65-85; Libertà individuale, giustizia sociale e lotta contro ogni oppressione. Il socialismo liberale di Carlo Rosselli in: Politica & Società, 2018, n. 3, pp. 319-352; Images of fear in political philosophy and fairy tales: Linking private abuse to political violence in human rights discourse in: Journal of International Political Theory, 2016, vol. 12, n. 1, pp. 67–89.