Marco Galli
Università degli Studi di Roma 'La Sapienza'
Emotions and power: the system of images in Rome from the mid to the late Republican era (3rd-1st century B.C.)
Marco Galli is Doctor in Classical Art and Archaeology (1998, PhD in Classical Archaeology, Univ. of Cologne (D); 1987 M.A. in Classics, Univ. of Bologna)
CURRENT POSITION: 2003- Univ. of Roma, 'La Sapienza', Fixed Term Professor in Classical Art and Archaeology. 2005- Member of the Italian Archaeological Mission in Pakistan, Saidu Sharif-Swat (ISIAO Rome). 2002- Research Affiliate of ICCD (Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la documentazione). PREVIOUS POSITIONS 2002/2003: Teaching Assistant of Prof. P. Pensabene, Univ. of Rome, 'La Sapienza'. 2001-2002: Univ. of Viterbo, Research Affiliate. Research Project "Sculpture and Context". 1999-2001: Research Affiliate of the German Research Society (DFG). Research Project "Domestic Culture in North Italy", Research Program 'Urban Culture in the Roman Empire' directed by P. Zanker, DAI Rome. 1998-1999: Research-Fellow of the Gerda Henkel Foundation, Düsseldorf, Research Program (P. Zanker, DAI Rome). 1997-1998: Tutor in Classical Archaeology, Archaeological Institute, Univ. of Cologne. GRANTS AND FELLOWSHIPS: 1997: Junior Research Fellowship, École Fran"aise at Athens. 1994-1997: Junior Research Fellowship, Archaeological Institute of the Univ. of Cologne. Research Program 'Formation and Self-representation of the Urban Elites in the Roman Empire,' directed by H. v. Hesberg, financed by the German Research Society (DFG).
Research themes: Roman Architecture and Sculpture of the Hellenistic/Republican and Imperial Ages (particularly in Italy and Greece). Terminology of Ancient Architectural Terms (Project ICCD Rome). Evergetism and history of mentality in the Second Century AD: The Phenomenon of the Second Sophistic. Transformations of the Sacred Space during the Roman Period in the Greek East. Phenomenon of the Religious Associations in the Roman Empire. Domestic Space and Material Culture of the Roman House. Graeco-Roman Pattern in Early Buddhist Art of Gandhara. Historiography of Classical Archaeology: A. Riegl and the Biology of Image.
Recent monographies and articles
-Die Lebenswelt eines Sophisten. Untersuchungen zu den Bauten und Stiftungen des Herodes Atticus (Philipp von Zabern Verlag, Mainz am Rhein, 2002)
-O. D. Cordovana - M. Galli (a cura di), Arte e memoria culturale nell'età della Seconda Sofistica, Catania 2007.
-P. Callieri, L. Colliva, M. Galli et al. (a cura di), Valli della Memoria. Antiche genti Luoghi Immagini nello Swat. 50 della Missione Archeologica in Pakistan. Catalogo della mostra documentaria, Roma, IsIAO 14.12.2006, Roma 2006.
-Hellenistic Court Imagery in Early Buddhist Art of Gandhara, in P. Calieri (a cura di) Atti del XIX International Conference on South Asian Archaeology, Ravenna 2-6 July 2007 (i.s.)
-Riegl e la "Biologia" delle immagini, in Alois Riegl (1858-1905), Un secolo dopo, Convegno internazionale 30.11-2.12-2005, Accademia dei Lincei Roma (i.s.)
- Processi della memoria nell'età della Seconda Sofistica, in O. Cordovana - M. Galli (a cura di), Arte e memoria culturale nell'età della Seconda Sofistica, Catania 2007, pagg. 7-14
- Et Greci quidem eum consecraverunt. La creazione del mito di Antinoo, in O. Cordovana - M. Galli (a cura di), Arte e memoria culturale nell'età della Seconda Sofistica, Catania 2007, 181-203
-Teatro della memoria: mito e paideia sul sarcofago di Velletri, in: M. Angle, A. Germano, F. Zevi (a cura di), Museo & Territorio, Atti del IV convegno, Velletri 7-8 maggio 2004, Roma 2005, 75-90.
-Vasellame domestico e Lebenswelt: nascita della cultura urbana nella colonia romana di Ariminum, in: P. Zanker - R. Neudecker (Hrsg.) Lebenswelten. Bilder und R"ume in der r"mischen Stadt der Kaiserzeit, Palilia Bd. 16, Wiesbaden 2005, 153-173
-Pilgrimage as lite Habitus: Educated Pilgrims in the Sacred Landscape During the Second Sophistic, in: J. Elsner-I. Rutherford (eds.), Pilgrimage in Graeco-Roman & Early Christian Antiquity. Seeing the Gods, Oxford 2005, 253-290
-'Creating Religious identities' paideia e religione nella Seconda Sofistica, in: B. E. Borg (ed.), Paideia: The World of the Second Sophistic. Millennium Studies II, Berlin-New York 2004, 315-356