Ludovico Geymonat
Università di Milano
Iconography as Relic: The Transmission of Medieval Images
Ludovico Geymonat works on the role of images in cultural transmission. His research concerns the formation and diffusion of medieval iconography. He graduated in Art History at the Università di Torino (1996) and will receive a PhD in Medieval Art from Princeton University (2005). As professore a contratto, he has taught History of Medieval Art at the Università di Milano (2002-2004). He is the author of "1233 Byzantinizing the Parma Baptistery" (Miscellanea Marciana, 2002) and "Stile e contesto: gli affreschi di San Zan Degol a Venezia" (in Venezia e Bisanzio, Venezia 2005). At the Italian Academy, his research will focus on medieval means of duplicating images and iconography and on the role of model drawings in cultural appropriation.