Helmut Martin Leder

University of Vienna

Measuring aesthetic effects: new paradigms to bridge empirical aesthetics and art history

2018-2019: Fall

Helmut Leder is Professor of Cognitive Psychology and Head of the Department of Psychological Basic Research at the University of Vienna, since 2004. He is Head of the Research Focus “Perceptual Aesthetics“ and the EVA-lab, Head of the interdisciplinary Cognitive Sciences Research Platform. His main fields of research are aesthetics, psychology of the arts, design – and face perception. His holds a PhD from the University of Fribourg. He was a visiting Researcher at the University of Stirling, ATR Japan, USC and UCSD, at the Languages of Emotion-Cluster, FU Berlin and Queens College, CUNY, he was a founding member of GIAS at NYU. He is the author or co-author of many scholarly publications. For his research in empirical aesthetics he was awarded the Berlyne Award for career contributions to the psychology of aesthetics of the American Psychological Association, and the Baumgarten Award of IAEA in 2002. His research was sponsored by several grants in the field of empirical aesthetics, face processing and with industrial partners. Since 2014 he is the president of the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics (IAEA).

Web page: https://ppcms.univie.ac.at/index.php?id=2559

Photo by: Alexandru Munteanu