Giovanna Devetag
Universita' di Trento
Mental Representations of Strategic Interaction
Giovanna Devetag received a B.A. in Business Economics from Ca' Foscari University of Venice (1996), a Ph.D. in Economics from the Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies in Pisa (2000), and a Post-doc Research Fellowship from the University of Trento (2000-2002). She is currently Ricercatrice in Business Economics and Management at the University of Trento. She has been a visiting student at UC Berkeley (1995) and visiting research fellow at Princeton University (1997). Her main research interests include experimental economics, behavioral game theory, and agent-based modelling. She has published articles in international journals including Experimental Economics, Journal of Economic Psychology, Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, Industrial and Corporate Change, Physica A. At the Italian Academy, Giovanna will work on the impact of visual and diagrammatic reasoning in the mental representation of strategic interaction.