Giorgio Pino

Università degli Studi di Palermo

Challenges of pluralism and challenges to pluralism: the legal contexts


Giorgio Pino is Associate Professor in Philosophy of Law at the Law School of the University of Palermo; he graduated from the University of Palermo with a degree in Law (1996), then received an LL.M. from the European Academy of Legal Theory (Brussels, 1997) and completed a post-graduate course in Law and Computers at the University of Bologna (2001). Professor Pino also holds a Ph.D. in Human Rights (University of Palermo, 2001). He served for three years at the Italian Data Protection Authority (Garante per la protezione dei dati personali, Rome, 2002-2004).
His research interests mainly concern privacy rights, freedom of expression, legal reasoning, and constitutional interpretation. An editor of Diritto & Questioni pubbliche, an international on-line journal on philosophy of law and public policy, Professor Pino has extensively published in Italian and foreign journals, such as Ragion pratica, Analisi e diritto, and Law and Philosophy, and is the author of the book Il diritto all'identità personale. Interpretazione costituzionale e creatività giurisprudenziale (Il Mulino, 2003).