Giancarla Periti
University of Toronto
The network of Cassinese arts in Mediterranean Renaissance Italy (ca. 1450-1600)
2017-2018: Spring
Giancarla Periti (BA, Università degli Studi di Genova, 1992; PhD, The Johns Hopkins University, 2003) is an Associate Professor of Italian Renaissance art at the University of Toronto. Periti’s publications have explored the dense intersections between images and texts, vision and conventual spaces, framing devices and pictures. Her research interests revolve around the arts of the Mediterranean Renaissance “periphery” and the dialogue between the sister arts in liminal zones. She is the author of In the Courts of Religious Ladies. Art, Vision, and Pleasure in Italian Renaissance Convents (Yale University Press 2016) and, most recently, of a forthcoming co-edited volume, entitled Ravenna in the Imagination of Renaissance Art (Brepols). Periti is currently at work on a book project that maps the management of late antique art and architecture over time.