Francesca Bortoletti

University of Leeds

Literature and festivals in Renaissance Italy: a digital archive of texts and images

2014-2015: Fall

Francesca Bortoletti is Postdoctoral Research Fellow at at School of Languages, Cultures and Societies, University of Leeds, for the European Research Council project "Italian Voices". She received her Ph.D. at the University of Bologna, Italy and at the Centre d’Étude Supérieures de la Renaissance (CESR), Tours, France. She held a three-years postdoctoral fellowship at University of Bologna and Research Associate for two years (2011-2013) at the Center for Early Modern History, University of Minnesota. In 2013, she was Visiting Research Scholar at European University Institute in Florence and Scuola Superiore Normale in Pisa. She taught formal courses in Italian literature and Theatre in Italy, France and USA. Her research interests are Italian Renaissance literature and performance as well as memory culture, with specific emphasis on the interactions between texts, oral culture, and images in humanistic and court culture. She has published several papers in international Academic journals and she is the author of two volumes, "Egloga e spettacolo nel primo Rinascimento. Da Firenze alle corti" (Bulzoni, 2008) and "L’attore del Parnaso. Profili di attori-musici e drammaturgie d’occasione" (Mimesis, 2012). She co-edited "Danza, cultura e società nel Rinascimento italiano" (Ephemeria, 2007).

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