Fabio Barry
University of St. Andrews
Bernini, S. Andrea al Quirinale, and early modern architectural representation
2012-2013: Fall
Fabio Barry studied architecture at the University of Cambridge, and briefly practiced the profession before receiving his Ph.D. in art history from Columbia University. He was subsequently David E. Finley Fellow at CASVA before taking up a lectureship at the University of St. Andrews. Much of his published research has concentrated on artistic production in Rome, particularly Baroque architecture, and from liturgy to light metaphysics. His most recent work, published or in press, has been on medieval and antique art, particularly sculpture. An ongoing interest, the subject of his Ph.D., is the imagery of marble in the visual arts and literature from antiquity until the age of enlightenment, in which he attempts to identify the evocative qualities of materials (the "Material Imagination") before the era of mass production and standardization distanced materials from the realm of nature and myth.