Enajite Ojaruega

Delta State University (Abraka, Nigeria)

Representations of madness and other nervous conditions in female characters in African literature

2019-2020: Fall

Enajite Eseoghene Ojaruega is the chair of the English and Literary Studies Department, Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria. She has a Ph.D. in Literature-in-English with a speciality in African literature, an area where she has also published a number of articles in peer-reviewed journals at home and abroad. During her undergraduate and through her graduate studies her long essays focused on women's writings and/or the presentation of female characters in African literature. Specifically, her doctoral thesis which examined the portrayal of women as victims and agency in Nigerian civil war novels also partially dwelt on the trauma women suffer during a period of conflict. She is very much interested in gender studies where exploring the condition of women has formed the backdrop to some of her scholarly writings and continues to inspire further academic interrogations.