Elena Casetta
Università di Torino
Biodiversity: the methodological challenges
2012-2013: Fall
A graduate of the University of Turin, Elena Casetta received her PhD in Philosophy from the Italian Institute of Human Sciences in Naples. She has been a Visiting Post-doctoral Fellow at IHPST (Institut d'Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences et des Techniques), CNRS/Paris, and she is a currently a member of the Laboratory for Ontology at the University of Turin, where she is also serving as an associate editor of the Rivista di Estetica.
Her areas of specialization are the philosophy of biology, analytic ontology, and metaphysics, and her areas of competence range from the philosophy of science to the philosophy of language. Her current research interests focus on the Species Problem and Biodiversity.
Among her recent and forthcoming publications: La sfida delle chimere. Realismo, pluralismo e convenzionalismo in filosofia della biologia [The Chimera Challenge. Realism, Pluralism, and Conventionalism in the Philosophy of Biology; Milan, Mimesis, 2009); Questioni di vita. Una introduzione alla filosofia della biologia [Life Matters. An Introduction to the Philosophy of Biology; with A. Borghini, Rome, Carocci, forthcoming); Making Sense of Gender, Sex, Race, and the Family (with V. Tripodi, eds.; HumanaMente, vol. 22, forthcoming).