Domenico Scarpa

Centro internazionale di studi Primo Levi - Torino

"Too many for one": Eugenio Montale's interlocutors, 1917-43

2012-2013: Spring

Domenico Scarpa (B.A. in Political Science, Naples «L'Orientale», 1991; Ph.D. in Comparative Literature, Universities of Trento and La Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris III, 2004) is a literary consultant for the Turin-based Centro internazionale di studi Primo Levi, a regular contributor to the daily Il Sole - 24 Ore, and the editor of the third and last volume (Dal Romanticismo a oggi) of Einaudi's Atlante della letteratura italiana, directed by Sergio Luzzatto and Gabriele Pedullà.
For Italian publishing houses such as Einaudi, Mondadori, Feltrinelli, Adelphi, Sellerio, Utet, :duepunti, and Avagliano he has been the translator of Jonathan Coe, Philippe Forest, and Cathleen Schine as well as the editor of works by – among others – André Breton, Italo Calvino, Fruttero & Lucentini, Natalia Ginzburg, Mario Soldati, and Robert Louis Stevenson.
He has been a research fellow at the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa (2007-2010) and has taught Italian Literature at the universities of Naples «L'Orientale» and Milano-Bicocca, and at Middlebury College (Vermont). He is the author of three monographic books: on Italo Calvino (1999), Natalia Ginzburg (2010), and Franco Lucentini (2011; winner of the Edinburgh Gadda Prize "Novecento in Saggio" for 2012); of the collection Storie avventurose di libri necessari (2010); and of Il segno del chimico. Dialogo con Primo Levi, printed by Einaudi and staged by Valter Malosti in Italy and by John Turturro in New York.