Davide Stimilli
Northwestern University
Chicago; Universita' di Pisa
Aby Warburg: A Philosphy of the Future
Davide Stimilli is Associate Professor of German and Comparative Literature at the University of Colorado, Boulder. He holds degrees in philosophy from the University of Pisa and in comparative literature from Yale University. He is the author of Fisionomia di Kafka (Torino: Bollati Boringhieri, 2001) and The Face of Immortality: Physiognomy and Criticism (Albany: SUNY Press, November 2004). He is the editor of a monographic issue of the Italian journal aut aut devoted to Aby Warburg (Aby Warburg. La dialettica dell'immagine, 321-322/2004), and of a forthcoming selection of Warburg's unpublished writings under the title Per monstra ad sphaeram: Selected Writings 1923-1925 (Hamburg: Dölling und Galitz, 2005). At the Italian Academy he will be completing a book-length study of Warburg's work, which carries the provisional title Aby Warburg: A Philology of the Future and is meant to articulate the dialectic of philology and divination that is at the core of Warburg's methodology.