Corinna Gallori
Università di Milano
Preacher, healer, founder, and inquisitor: the image and cult of St. Peter Martyr
2012-2013: Fall
Corinna T. Gallori graduated from the Università degli Studi di Milano (Italy), and holds a PhD in Art History (2008) from the same university. Since 2009 she has been at the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz – Max-Planck-Institut, firstly as a short-time post-doctorate fellow (Kurzzeitstipendiatin) of Prof. Alessandro Nova's directorate, and then as a researcher collaborating on the project "Imágenes en vuelo". Europa, Mexiko und die Globalisierung der Bilder in der Frühen Neuzeit ( of Prof. Dr. Gerhard Wolf's directorate.
Corinna's field of research focuses on Christian iconography and includes studies of the Mass of St. Gregory in Italy (15th to 16th century), and of the imaging of the Dominican saints Peter Martyr and Albert the Great in the 15th century. For the project "Imágenes en vuelo" she also researched the use of European prints as iconographic sources in Mexican featherwork, and the collecting of such feather mosaics in Italy.
Corinna is the author of several publications including, but not limited to, "Una mostra d'arte lignea e qualche novità sui rilievi Stroganoff," Rassegna di studi e di notizie, 31-34, 2007/08 (2008), pp. 121-52; 'Il trittico del Diözesanmuseum di Vienna,' Arte lombarda, 158-159, 2010, pp. 24-38; and the monograph Il monogramma dei Nomi di Gesù e Maria: storia di un'iconografia tra scrittura e immagine (Asola, 2012).