Arianna Cecconi

Università di Milano

Dreams: an intersection of anthropology, neuroscience, and art

2015-2016: Fall

Arianna Cecconi received her Ph.D. in Anthropology in 2008 under the joint supervision of the Università di Milano Bicocca and the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (Paris), and is the author of L'Acqua della paura (Mondadori 2003) and  I sogni vengono da fuori (Ed.It 2012). Currently, she teaches Cultural Anthropology at the Università di Milano and is an affiliated researcher at the Idemec (Université d'Aix-Marseille). The main topics of her ethnographic work to date comprise dreams, rituals, memory, violence, and local reconciliation processes. Arianna Cecconi has conducted ethnographic studies focused on these themes in different field sites: the Peruvian Andes, Spain, France, and Italy.

2016  « La memoria de los que estaban y de los que no estaban: sueños y visiones en la España contemporánea» in Recostruyendo Memorias en el Triangulo Atlantico, Gunther Dietz & Christiane Stallaert (eds.), Xalapa Edition, Mexico [Forthcoming].

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