Antonio Mantovani

Università di Siena

Alexander Bodini Research Fellow in Developmental and Adolescent Psychiatry

Transcranial magnetic stimulation for severe Tourette's Syndrome

2008-2009: Fall and Spring

Antonio Mantovani, MD, PhD, completed his medical training at Rome University and his psychiatry training at Siena University. Under the mentorship of Dr. Simone Rossi at Siena University, Dr. Mantovani received his PhD in Applied Neurological Sciences. His graduate work focused on neurophysiological correlates of psychiatric disorders. Under the mentorship of Dr. Sarah H. Lisanby, Director of the Division of Brain Stimulation and Therapeutic Modulation, as Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at Columbia University, he designed and performed open and sham-controlled trials of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) in the treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Tourette Syndrome, Panic Disorder, Depersonalization Disorder, and Major Depression. He is an Associate Research Scientist at the Department of Psychiatry of Columbia University.