Anna Soci

Università di Bologna

The relationship between democracy and inequality in developed and stable economies

2011-2012: Spring

Alexander Bodini Research Fellow in Global Development and Finance

Anna Soci studied in Bologna (I) and Princeton (USA). She is currently Full Professor of Economics at the University of Bologna, life-member of Clare Hall in Cambridge (UK), Visitor at the Land Economy Department, University of Cambridge (UK) and member of the Academy Advisory Board of the Network for European Studies, University of Helsinki. Responsible of several international and national research projects, she has just finished coordinating the project TERA financed by the European Union in the 6FP. Dr. Soci's main research topics have been through time, social accounting frameworks, new-economic geography, foreign direct investment, and macroeconomic theory. Her research work was published in refereed international and national journals and presented in international and national seminars and conferences. Her personal web page is