Anna Foà

Tiqqun Edizioni Milan


Anna Foà studied philosophy with Giorgio Colli and worked at the Adelphi publishing house from 1978 to 1998, where she gained experience in a wide range of areas within the publishing business, with a focus on the philosophical texts of Nietzsche, Severino, and Cacciari. She edited all of Cacciari’s essays and books, published by Adelphi, from 1983 to 2005. Alongside her work as an editor, she created and coordinated significant cultural events—collaborating with Ex Libris Comunicazione—such as the Fondamenta festival in Venice, with writer Daniele Del Giudice, which brought respected international scholars and figures to Italy. From 1995 to 2009 she created a substantial program of cultural events held at the Luigi Einaudi Library in Dogliani (Piedmont), a historical meeting point of acclaimed thinkers and renowned intellectuals. From 2010 and 2012 she worked for Metropoli d’Asia, a publisher specializing in contemporary literature of the Far East. In 2014 she founded the digital publishing house Tiqqun Edizioni, which offers new perspectives and unique texts linked to Judaism.